Saturday, December 5, 2015

Beginning of the End.

Normally, at this time, i will burn the midnight oil to study for the upcoming exam, which is SPM. But, that is all in the past now. SPM has ended. And with that I am excited to say that i'm FREEDOM ! No more school, no more exams, no more stress (for the time being). Now its the time to lay back and rest.

But honestly, i started to get bored, because my typical everyday routine like revision, doing homework, has gone. Rasa macam 'lost' sekejap. I'm just like "What should I do now?", "What I will do next?" keep circling in my head. I keep playing/surfing on the internet which is soooo bored in the end.

Eventually, i'm gonna miss school and every single thing about it.

After we get our result in the early or mid March 2016, nah then the new journey of my lifetime will begin.

This is the end. And at the same time it begins something new.

a small part of my friends